Screenreaders, Twitter and OCR
In between living with sink-lessness and unpacking in my old-new home, I find some time to read the #DigiWriMo tweets. After my guest blog post on Digital Inclusion, there were several people who tweeted about the Twitter tips and how my suggestions might begin to have them rethink how they write or tweet. It was good to read about these “wonderings” and to have folks talking about digital inclusion. @brunowinck @Maha4Learning @yinbk are uppercase chars generally easier on dyslexics? #DigiWriMo #a11y — ℳąhą Bąℓi, PhD مها بالي
(@Bali_Maha) November 6, 2015 @drgbz @40houradjunct…
Twitter, Online Voice and Safe Learning Spaces
I commented on Mr. Robert Paris’ blog a few days’ ago. It was in response to his concerns about Twitter and how to provide a safe space for students to fail and not be subject to ridicule. My comment was so long that I think it’s worth reproducing on my own blog for others to comment on. Hi, I’m an ALT Labber who is currently teaching an online course (I do not use the term online class as I see an association of a “class” with a physical space). I…
This is How I Tweet and Chirp
I use Twitter as part of my work and for professional development. I created an account in 2007 but wasn’t actively participating in the web until ALT Lab came along. I have ways to go but there are several things I’ve learned from using Twitter actively since October 2014. I’ve summarized and illustrated them as 7 big ideas thus far. I get the latest information from my Tweeps/Twends? (Twitter People/Twitter Friends) My Twends tutor me when I need some help. I reflect and wonder out loud on Twitter. Let’s not…
A Bold Experiment: Live-Skim-Tweet Journal Article #tjc15
Laura Gogia, a.k.a @GoogleGuacamole, my ALT Lab colleague (NOT a Google App as one of my Twitter friends thought!) invited me to her community’s experiment to live-tweet reading a journal article. I needed little persuasion because #1. I enjoy Twitter chats and #2. I am highly curious and like to learn new things. It turned out to be a thoughtful learning experience.There are 2 dimensions about the event I’m going to highlight in this blogpost and a third one I would need to think a bit more about: 1. The…
Theater and Twitter
(Image source: http://to.pbs.org/dPjzea) I had a taste tonight of what it was like to watch theater on TV and tweet. Verdict: I couldn’t do it — very well, that is. I had my laptop and Downton Abbey in full view before me on HDTV. I tweeted, maybe only twice during the show. The action was unfolding much too furiously on TV for moi to tweet and watch the episode together. No, multitasking was not possible and an undeserved injustice to a fine program like Downton Abbey, a Masterpiece (literally!) where…