Educational Technology

New Beginnings: Starting with Scribble Diffusion

I’ve not written for more than a year for two reasons: 1. I started a new position. 2. I was indecisive about continuing to blog here because of cost reasons.

Keeping and maintaining this website every year costs quite a bit. Having to invest more and more money each year is not making it viable for me to keep in the long run. I might go back to using Blogger, the free version.

I’m back now because of RIF. Since I’ve been given permission to pursue a new adventure, let’s go.

Nicholas Nouri introduced this app on LinkedIn: Scribble Diffusion. 

I played with it a bit and this is what I got after a few tweaks of the prompt:

First, I asked for a countryside cottage. I got this:

AI generated image of a country cottage, round 1

Then, I added a few more words, “a country side cottage, hyperrealistic, authentic country cottage” and got this:

AI generated image of a country cottage

The third attempt is the one I’m most satisfied with, even though I could definitely improve it further. But since I’m just testing the app, I will stop at this attempt.

AI generated image of country cottage, third attempt

This just goes to show that producing graphics for a project can become a more efficient and less time-consuming process now. Progress!