Faculty & Student Perceptions of Teaching Resource Use
A comparison of VCU student (n=337) and faculty responses (n=323) in the 2014 ECAR Surveys regarding tools/resources they wish their instructors would use MORE of (rated 5 on a scale of 1-5) and those that faculty MOST wish to be skillful at (click on image to enlarge):
Ranking of faculty and student perceptions of resources students want more use of and faculty want to be more skillful at.

A comparison of VCU student and faculty responses in the 2014 ECAR Surveys regarding tools/resources they wish their instructors would use LESS of (rated 1) and those that faculty LEAST wish to be skillful at (click on image to enlarge):Top 3 among students: More of lecture capture, LMS/CMS, early alert systems
Top 3 among faculty: More skills development in simulations/educational games, OER, online collaborative tools
Ranking of faculty and student perceptions of resources students want least use of and faculty want to be least skillful at.
Top 3 resources/tools among students: Less of social media, smartphones in class, e-books
Top 3 resources/tools among faculty: Least interested in skills development in smartphone use in class, 3D printers, and social media.
What implications do these findings have for ALT Lab programming and initiatives?
Food for thought. More later.