
The Interlude

Last blog-post: June 12. Last tweet: June 19.

Between June 18 to June 20, I fulfilled a wish that had long been on my mind since 2001 — to learn Graphic Recording and Facilitation skills from the pioneers, The Grove Consultants. Since the late 1990s, I had delved into visual thinking, mindmapping, and graphic recording. I loved doodling, thinking and writing. Graphic recording/facilitation allows me to combine all 3 loves in an interesting way.

While at the lovely Grove office at the Presidio, San Francisco, I received news on June 21 of my father’s sudden demise and my mother’s critically ill condition (Mom passed on July 25).

I thank my Twitter network of friends for sticking with me despite my month-long absence. I’ve never understood why anyone would want to “follow” me. I have nothing to sell. Twitter is simply a fun way for me to learn and connect with others around the globe. I’m not as consistent in tweeting and using the medium as I probably should be. I do believe, however, in being authentic and not playing games on Twitter or anywhere. My blogging and tweeting style is a mix of the personal with the academic. I don’t tweet just for professional reasons. I don’t believe in formulaic living — that if I do this, I will get that. There is no formula to living life from the heart. I dislike intensely those who “follow” me to get attention and then “unfollow” me after seemingly having gotten something out of that move. Get a real life.

I started a Twitter account in 2007. Over the years, as my learning interests changed and expanded, I have followed folks who curate content about e-learning, research (AERA, AERA Division C, members of these communities), writing, dissertation writing, art and arts in its various forms, leadership, spirituality, motivational as well as humorous messages, etc. My Twitter followership is a broad description of my professional trajectory, from being an instructional technology consultant, to graduate student, graduate student leader, dissertation writing to my current position as a learning innovation design specialist.

As I pick up the pieces in Life A.D. (After Dad) and Life A.M. (After Mom), I look forward to connecting more with my old and new followers. Thank you for staying with me.