• Educational Technology,  Learning

    Twitter, Online Voice and Safe Learning Spaces

    I commented on Mr. Robert Paris’ blog a few days’ ago. It was in response to his concerns about Twitter and how to provide a safe space for students to fail and not be subject to ridicule. My comment was so long that I think it’s worth reproducing on my own blog for others to comment on. Hi, I’m an ALT Labber who is currently teaching an online course (I do not use the term online class as I see an association of a “class” with a physical space). I…

  • Educational Technology,  Instructional Design

    Designing a Course Worth Learning 3: Course Video Make

    Transcript of Video (Google Document) Thinking and talking about the course has turned into action. Yes, UNIV 291 has begun. I did not create a navigation or orientation video because I had provided a lot of instructions on the website. The students didn’t seem to be lost. They knew where to start. I had a Get Started button, to be sure. Most of their questions centered around Learning Activity terms we use in Connected Learning. Were they doing things “right” and questions about social media. Why aren’t my tweets showing…

  • Educational Technology,  Learning

    This is How I Tweet and Chirp

    Invitation to blog

    I use Twitter as part of my work and for professional development. I created an account in 2007 but wasn’t actively participating in the web until ALT Lab came along. I have ways to go but there are several things I’ve learned from using Twitter actively since October 2014. I’ve summarized and illustrated them as 7 big ideas thus far. I get the latest information from my Tweeps/Twends? (Twitter People/Twitter Friends) My Twends tutor me when I need some help. I reflect and wonder out loud on Twitter. Let’s not…

  • Art(s),  Creativity

    Poetry Practice Pieces 2.25.15

    Five Not-So-Easy Pieces My head hurt in my effort to complete these assignments. Ils contestaient missions! And so, I’m still working on the Dickinson one. Enjoy! 1.Five Liner Stiff knotty hands misshapen by age Sculpts earthy tators with black steel blade Practicing the presence of God, he says Can I tempt you to rest your gnarled aching grip His neck stretches, recoils, bent on his sacred toil 2.  Sound and Sense (A la Peyton Manning -“Nationwide is on Your Side”) I picked this line from one of Barry Manilow’s popular hit,…

  • Art(s)

    Collaborative Learning Activity: Poetry Writing

    We sat around a table with interesting objects we had brought from home. A community of poet wannabes. Or poetry machines, Randy Marshall our chief instigator cheekily called us. He led us to write poems inspired by the stories we shared about the items. A good activity that I could use one day with my students, if Randy doesn’t mind.Poetry writing sharpens our minds and writing. I like the opportunity it provides for us to be precise and playful with words. It is a great learning activity to try in…

  • Creativity,  Life


    The above two photos were taken on July 30, 2014, on my first photo safari with my colleagues. The next 4 were taken on January 16, 2015 with my new colleagues, Emma and Max, with Tom leading. All photos were taken using my Samsung Galaxy phone. I find this throne-like chair that is blocking the doorway curious. I have a penchant for snapping pictures of trees — blooming, withered, snarling. They are easily symbols of life and death. Architecture is another fave subject. “Don’t they all look the same after…