
I got Schmapped!

In the first week of January 2009, I received an email from Schmap, a company that produces electronic travel guides for tourists. They said they had shortlisted one of my digital photos (taken in Vienna) that I had uploaded on my Flickr pro site for inclusion in their e-guide. Of course, I was surprised since I never in a million times considered the thought of taking photos for use commercially or even for any e-zine. Anyway, since it wasn’t a big deal, just 1 photo, and the one I least imagined would be artistic and award-winning, I agreed to let them use it for free.

I did go on the Internet however, and found avid discussions as to whether Schmap should pay us. Apparently, that’s how they are making tons of money; asking Flickr users for permission to use their photos. Hah! Well, it was certainly a new learning experience for me. I’d never heard of Schmap till I was contacted.

I did think they asked me in a nice way so it was a pleasant transaction. Well, it is now official, my photo is in the 6th edition of the Schmap Vienna Guide. Take a look at the widget on the right of my blog.