Instructional Design

DesignFix for the Week of 9-11 to 9-17-17

This weekend, I took time off to do the important — sharpen the saw (Covey’s 7th habit of highly effective people). Here’s what I found on the internet on productivity, designers and design ideas.

Why Deep Work Helps You Get More Done in Less Time

As a fan of Sherry Turkle’s Reclaiming Conversation: The Power of Talk in a Digital World, I’ve come to appreciate more and more the need to disconnect periodically. Srinivas Rao, author of Unmistakable: Why Only Is Better Than Best, discusses the importance of intense focus. Try that for productivity and quality work. 

Interface Lovers

Learn what other designers do and what inspires them.

Articulate Examples from eLearning Challenge

Instructional designers in corporate industries tend to use Articulate Storyline to create their products. Articulate is similar to Captivate, and the jury is still out as to which software is better. What is different is that there is a huge community out there sharing Articulate resources, but I haven’t seen any for Captivate. Nevertheless, I’m learning from the creative examples of the Articulate community.