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    Design Tip: He knew me

    Well said, Dr. Goulston. Read more. Jobs invented for the everyday man. He created magic. “In a world in which delivering on promises, delighting customers and exceeding expectations has all but disappeared with a shift from companies providing true value to short term ROI, Jobs and Apple’s products under him delivered ROT, meaning Return On Trust.  For more than a decade, whenever Jobs talked up an upcoming product and then launched it, we could almost always trust that we would not be disappointed.  In a world where we have felt…

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    Read & Experience a LOT to write well

    OK, I haven’t been writing anything about my PhD progress lately. I’ve been reading a LOT. I mean really, a lot. As my superb Chair reminds me, lead an interesting life to produce an interesting dissertation. How do you do that if you live on a tight graduate student budget? For some things, you have to experience it vicariously. I do that by reading extensively. Within and across disciplines. I read different kinds of books and magazines from outside my discipline because that stimulates creativity. I have diverse experiences. I…

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    Over and Done With

    Source: http://www.caughtonset.com/ Jennifer Aniston on the constant rumors about her and Brad Pitt: [S]he wasn’t very interested in talking about the situation. “Oh lord, it’s not even worth discussing on a night like this,” she said. That’s how I feel about my PhD studies, yes, please do not ask me about the end-date. Thank you.

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    Percolating thoughts on diss writing

    “The goal of a research paper is not to inform the reader what others have to say about a topic, but to draw on what others have to say about a topic and engage the sources in order to thoughtfully offer a unique perspective on the issue at hand. This is accomplished through two major types of research papers….” Argumentative and analytical. Purdue OWL web.

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    Employable Attitude for Teacher Reform School

    Here’s a job requirement for an Assistant Professor of a graduate school: High level of zest, grit, hope, gratitude, and humor. Got it. Check out the ads. This institution has apparently been under scrutiny for its unorthodox way of training teachers. They are not grounded in heavy educational theories from the start. The focus is placed on practice in the field. NYT article. What do you think of this approach? Practice first, and then go to the theory? Or theory first, then practice. Arguable.

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    Writing Tip

    Something to note as I write: The group was “intrigued by the challenge of creating short stories that would defy audiences’ expectations of the subject,” said Aniston. “We wanted the balance of drama with humor and irreverence … we wanted stories that were informative without being heavy-handed. Oh, and they needed to be brilliantly written.” Read more.

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    A Time to be Silent

    source: celebritypicnic.com “That’s the thing I learned early on: No matter how preposterous it is, I don’t say a word, ever. If you start doing it, you have to do it every time. I let it do its thing and watch it come and go.” – Ryan Reynolds, actor.

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    Perfume or Cologne

    Source: http://www.svanityblog.com/ “You know, in life there’s perfume and there’s cologne. Cologne, you have to spray every fifteen minutes. Perfume, you put a drop and it lasts a week. You’re perfume.” – Mario Testino to Kate Moss. (Source)