• Teaching

    Help! I am teaching online

    I thought about adding these 5 words (my blogpost title) to the trending hashtag in Twitter, #ScaryStoriesIn5Words. Those tweets made Halloween Day somewhat more Halloween for me, lots of drama and jokes. Scary? Not so much at the ALT Lab where I was stationed for livestreamed sessions from the Online Learning Consortium’s International Conference (OLC). Which is a good thing. The turnout wasn’t ideal but a real and urgent need of some faculty or future faculty members emerged from conversations with some attendees. Some major questions were: “I think I’m going to…

  • Inclusion,  Teaching

    Hodge Podge of Thoughts on Inclusive Teaching Institute

    Looking down at Shockoe Valley from Richmond Hill Retreat Center

    I thought of you  In the land of plenty Disconnected from the rest of Richmond city Riding in a car Someone pointed out “This school‘s roof leaked.  The ceiling tile hit a child!” What went through the minds of young students To be broken up and bused to different strange schools? Further the car took me  To another school sited next to the city jail Hope sits adjacent to despair City planning gone awry Or a deliberate act of marginalization In the four Courts silence pervaded There were no children…