• Art(s)

    Edson’s W;t

    W;t playbill cover wih a woman wearing a cap

    I came across the Pulitzer-Prize-winning play enough in my readings to decide that it’s definitely on my readlist and maybe, watchlist. After some scouting around my vicinity, it was ferreted out. The book/play and DVD were both located within a five-mile radius. I started by watching the movie, egged on by Bob. My preference would be to read the play first. But time is of the essence with my research. The movie with Emma Thompson in the lead as Dr. Vivian Bearing was pretty intense. Bob says it was “riveting”.…

  • Art(s)

    A Community-Based Theatre Experience

    Cry for Peace: Voices from the Congo. Storch Theatre, Syracuse Stage (SS). Last night, I was fortunate to be invited by one of my committee members to watch the poignant documentary-theater, public workshop performance, community-based play (?) about the Congolese refugees now located in Syracuse. It was co-written by Ping Chong and SS dramaturg, Kyle Bass. True, I have used multiple labels in an effort to describe what it is. Still, they are inadequate at conveying what I perceived. Methinks it is a bit of CBP (Jan Cohen-Cruz’s model), with…

  • Art(s),  Creativity

    Creative Problem-Solving in Reality

    (Image Source: Tashi Mannox website: http://bit.ly/f8jkfN) Note: I learned about these clouds through Dr. Julia Marshall’s presentation. Beautiful and iconic — representing nature, energy, heaven. And I stumbled upon Tashi Mannox by accident. Gorgeous design! I feel like an instructional designer with a complex problem that requires a novel solution! How ironic! I am studying myself constantly, because 1. I have read up a LOT on creativity, and 2. never tire of learning about it. When someone told me he was interested in studying innovation but not creativity, I am…

  • Art(s)

    Expert Advice on Community-Based Arts

    I’m having a lot of fun right now learning and conceptualizing my yes, new study! I’ve attended a talk on art-based research (See Nov 30 posting). Today, I had the honor to talk to Dr. Jan Cohen-Cruz, Director, Imagining America, author and expert on community-based performance (CBP). That is, on an unforgettable day of rain and snow, making the walk to Tolley Building a wet and slushy one. Nevertheless, still memorable.:) Marj had recommended I read her book(s). I’ve started with Local Acts. It documents the historical origins, establishes the…

  • Art(s)

    We Remain Ourselves

    Beijing Olympics mascot

    (Image source: http://bit.ly/idu9Xa) I was definitely intrigued by the title. Art-Based Research and the Intersection between Making Art and Teaching Art. “Her primary scholarship is in curriculum development, arts integration, the uses of contemporary art in art education and the intersection between creativity and cognition.” Of course I had to make the trip to Shemin’s Auditorium at 6:30PM! Dr. Julia Marshall‘s presentation was fascinating. She spoke on her art practice and how much she learned from teaching art to younger people, like undergraduates and graduates. That if she had just…

  • Art(s)

    It’s in the blood

    (Image Source: http://bit.ly/cj5NQ5) Hough agreed, saying that after he began dancing with her: ‘I knew that it was in her body, that it was in her blood.’ Some things are just genetic. I know that I’m more inclined towards the arts. It’s a part of me. But it doesn’t stop me from learning and growing beyond. However, as I’ve always been told, be an expert in an area and don’t spread myself too thin. It takes too much commitment to be good in more than an area or two.