Instructional Design

A Particular Set of Skills

Liam Neeson’s name was trending on Twitter on June 26. It appears that his movie, Ice Road, is now showing on Netflix, hence the volume of tweets about him. One tweet caught my eye:

Liam Neeson's quote from Taken, a movie

Liam Neeson in response to the ransom caller in Taken (2009), said:

I don’t know who you are. I don’t know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don’t have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career, skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my daughter go now, that’ll be the end of it. I will not look for you. I will not pursue you. But if you don’t, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you.

This quote has gone down in history as one of the greatest 40-second action-movie monologue of the 2000s. It too resonates with me in the way he describes his skillsets.

When people ask me how I seem to fit in very well with online learning, my answer emulates or parallels Liam’s in a certain way: my long career, training and experience in education, teaching and instructional design have equipped me with a a very particular set of skills to do digital learning experience design, skills that make me a nightmare for some people.  Many times I’m too ahead for some people, they are not there yet and I have to reverse what I design and develop as the ideas I have are not in implementation yet. Having this set of skills is both a boon and a bane at times, right?

Source: Winneker, C. [@CraigWinneker]. (2021, June 26). The latest monologue assignment in my daughter’s online acting course was the Liam Neeson phone call from “Taken” I must say the resulting collection of videos of 13-year-olds promising “I will find you… and I will kill you” has been worth the tuition [Tweet]. Twitter.