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    Thought Vectors: How a Thinkaholic Feels

    Hi, my name is Yin and I’m a thinkaholic.  (Check out concept and picture by Leah of Dharma Comics.) This chronic malady has its side effects. I’ve thought and blogged about its “collateral damage” quite a bit some 7 years ago. Here’s a paragraph from the post, Inner vs. Outside World, December 12, 2007 (on a private blog) about solo fantasy thinking: Quite often–, my inner world is more exciting than the outside world as my mind races through a myriad of topics and imagine the possibilities for adventure. I…

  • Instructional Design,  Learning,  Visible Thinking

    Desiring to Learn is Not Enough by Itself

    I’ve enrolled in numerous MOOCs and finished just one — so far. I think I may have found another that I will complete: UQx: Think 101x The Science of Everyday Thinking. Up to 80,000 people are taking part in this MOOC run by the University of Queensland.It’s Week 2 — the instructors organize the units into Episodes — and I’ve completed all assignments (except one) in Episode 2, on the very day it was made available. I’m astounded by my effort. What is it about this MOOC that has me…